My name is Rita. In the summer of 2012, I quitted my job and went to the Philippines to study English for four weeks. The day before my trip I couldn’t believe I was going abroad. I took Cebu Pacific and arrived in Cebu with my friends. Thanks to Simon, the Taiwanese staff in CIA, picking me up at the airport, so I didn’t feel unfamiliar to this new place.

We took the entrance exam on the first day to evaluate our level. CIA arranges our schedules based on our English level. We have 9 classes per day, including 4 one-to-one classes, 3 group classes, and a self-study. I think it’s impossible getting no improvement in this kind of studying environment. I like having one-on-one classes best, because I am more confident to speak English out loud in a private place. After all, there are only the teacher and me in the classroom; I can even express myself by body language when I am out of my word. All of the teachers are professionals; they correct my pronunciation and grammar, moreover, they teach me how to use complete sentences. I have been learning a lot of things from them.

來到了宿霧,當然週末時間就是要出去曬曬太陽並吸收能量,第一次出去玩是去很有名的Nalusuan island,第一次與韓國人出去玩真的很興奮,沙灘很美,拍了很多照片;第二次出去玩是去薄荷島,是兩天一夜的旅行。此次旅行中我最喜歡Virgin island的沙灘,真的很美、很純淨,就像置身在天堂一樣
We should travel around during weekends since we are in Cebu. The first place I visited was the famous island named Nalusuan. I was so excited traveling with Korean friends. The beach there is so beautiful, so I took a lot of pictures. The second place was Bohol Island. In that 2-day-1-night trip, my favorite spot was Virgin Island which is very beautiful and clean. It seems like I was in heaven.

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