We cannot avoid accidents or being sick when we travel abroad. During 5 months studying in CIA language school, fortunately, I only caught a minor cold. And I am also healthy and safe when I work here, however, I stepped on a broken gully cover when I was walking outside and got serious scratch. To make sure that I am not getting any infection, I went to see the doctor.
The Medical cost here is more expensive than Taiwan, especially to foreigners who don’t have local medical insurance. It cost me almost 4000 pesos for consulting, injection, medicine and X-ray. Fortunately, I bought a travel insurance before I went abroad, and it covers all of the medical costs. Thus, I recommend to people who will travel or study in the Philippines to strongly acquire an insurance before going abroad.
而我們CIA語言學校有合作的校醫,醫生每個禮拜三都會到校,免費替生病的學生診斷(通常診斷費為500 披索),如果學生生病比較嚴重或發生意外,我們學校也會派員工陪同學生到醫院就診,希望學生有一個健康的身體完成學業。
In addition, our CIA language academy has a cooperative doctor. The doctor comes to our school every Wednesday to check sick students’ health condition for free (usually, the consulting fee is 500 pesos). If a student is sick seriously or had an accident, we will appoint a staff to accompany the student to go to the hospital.We hope every student can have a healthy body to finish his/ her study.
- May 19 Sat 2012 08:07
●生病了怎麼辦?Medical Care in the Philippines